MoU signed by KEPRO and KARA on Sustainable Waste Management at the Residential Organizations Level.

The Kenya Extended Producer Responsibility Organisation (KEPRO) and the Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

that seeks to pave way for collaborative efforts between the two organizations in embedding the principles of sustainable waste management in various neighborhoods across the country. The agreement was formally executed by KEPRO’s Chief Administrative Officer, James Odongo, and KARA’s Chief Executive Officer, Henry Ochieng.

The MoU establishes a robust framework for enhancing collaboration and synergy between KEPRO and KARA to implement the project activities under a Strategic Partnership Agreement of Understanding Programme titled, Accelerating Green Transition Through creating awareness, capacity building, and empowering residents to adopt sustainable waste management practices to Increase Recycling and Adoption of Circularity in Solid Waste Management.

The significance of this collaboration cannot be overstated as it is the hallmark of the shared goal of achieving sustainable waste management practices and environmental stewardship within residential areas in Kenya. By uniting their efforts, KEPRO and KARA aim to have a more substantial impact on environmental conservation and contribute to a circular economy for the country. Today is an important day.

“Today marks a crucial and significant milestone for our organization, as it aligns with our core values centered around collaboration and community engagement. Our strategy involves leveraging various partners and stakeholders to promote the Sustainable Waste Management Act of 2022 and today that is the Kenya Alliance for Residents Association. This includes advocating for waste segregation at the source, building a comprehensive recycling ecosystem, and ultimately working towards the realization of a circular economy. Our primary objective is to disseminate this message effectively to consumers and raise awareness about the importance of sustainable waste management practices,” said James.

The two organizations will closely cooperate with public authorities, international entities, private enterprises, media, and other residential associations to implement sustainable waste management practices at the community level, thereby safeguarding the environment from the detrimental effects of improper waste disposal.

To further their objectives, both parties will conduct awareness events aimed at bringing about positive social, political, and economic change. These efforts seek to challenge persistent improper waste practices that hinder progress for the nation.

KARA’s CEO Henry Ochieng said, “Through our previous discussions, we have initiated efforts to ensure that consumers at the household level understand their role in the waste value chain. Our focus is on educating and creating awareness of Sustainable Waste Management and its importance. To demonstrate our commitment, we plan to begin with a model estate, where we will showcase various activities related to waste management, highlight the ongoing conversations, and present effective structures and mechanisms to accelerate success in achieving a circular economy.”

The key areas of joint work outlined in the MoU include promoting awareness at local and national levels to instigate a cultural shift, demystifying waste collection, encourage segregation of waste at source, capacity building, conducting research studies and publications, providing technical expertise and guidance, advocating for sustainable policy development, and supporting various sustainable projects.

Together, KEPRO and KARA are poised to make a substantial difference in sustainable waste management and environmental protection across Kenya.

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